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Introducing Our New Associate Chiropractor & A Limited Time Offer

The Team at The Wellness Centre (Castle Quay) are very excited to welcome our new Associate Chiropractor DC Lucy Hacker – MChiro (Hons).

LucyDC Lucy Hacker was born and raised in Jersey, where she went to Les Quennevais and Hautlieu Schools. Having enjoyed sports all her life, as well as having a passion for Biology, and the human body, Lucy decided to study Chiropractic at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) in Bournemouth. Lucy graduated in 2023 with an MChiro (Hons) degree, and decided to work her first year as a graduate in the UK before moving back home to Jersey.

Lucy has also completed a post-graduate course in Chiropractic Paediatrics under the world-renowned DC Steve Williams, DICS, FICS, FRCC (paed), FBCA. Many are still unaware of the significant benefits Chiropractic Care has to offer for Children and Infants alike. With examination and treatment techniques specially adapted to a child’s needs Chiropractic is both an effective and safe approach which may aid in the optimal development of a child’s body and nervous system.

With a keen interest in sports, Lucy has also gained a Diploma in Level 3 Sports Massage Therapy and has completed a comprehensive course in Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling). She has found the combined application of Chiropractic and Sports Therapy greatly effective in the rehabilitation of Sports Injuries.

In her spare time, Lucy is a passionate tennis player with a particular interest in mixed doubles, and enjoys sea swimming, walking, and other outdoor pursuits.

Lucy believes that “Chiropractic can help Everyone, and is not just for performance, but for optimal everyday living.”

Special Offer

For the month of August, Lucy will be offering all existing and New Patients 50% Off Chiropractic Spinal Health Checks (now only £35) …! Each screening includes:

  • History Taking
  • Digital PostureScreen Analysis
  • a relevant brief Orthopaedic Examination
  • helpful Information and Guidance from our Chiropractic Team.

If you have any aches, pains, and/or joint stiffness and are wondering if Chiropractic could help, this is the perfect opportunity to find out more. Call us today on 633060, or Click Here to make an Appointment for Your Chiropractic Spinal Health Check.

The only question one needs to answer is… How do You Want to Feel..?


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