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Suffering from Headaches? You're Not Alone - Let Us Help You Find Relief!


Don’t Let Headaches Control Your Life

Headaches are a common ailment that can affect anyone, at any time. They can range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain and can greatly impact our daily lives. Whether it’s a tension headache from stress, a migraine with auras, or a headache caused by medication overuse, the pain can be overwhelming and interfere with our ability to function.

When to Seek Help

While some headaches can be easily managed on our own, there are times when seeking professional help is necessary. If your headaches are affecting your quality of life or occurring more frequently, it’s important to seek help from a healthcare professional. They can help identify the cause of your headaches and provide a personalized treatment plan to manage them.

Our Approach to Headache Relief

At The Wellness Centre (Castle Quay), our team of healthcare professionals are trained to diagnose and manage headaches. We start with a thorough history of your symptoms and conduct a physical examination to rule out any serious underlying causes. From there, we work together to develop a multifaceted approach to manage your headaches. This may include working with your GP and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.

The Importance of Keeping a Headache Diary

One helpful tool in managing headaches is keeping a detailed headache diary. This allows you to track important information such as timing, triggers, medication use, and pain intensity. Our team can then analyze this data to better understand your specific headache patterns and provide more effective treatment.

There are some great apps that can be useful for this purpose:

Or you can download a printable version for free from the National Headache Foundation’s website:


Let Us Help You Find Relief

EdACHe - Education and Assessment for Confidence in Headaches-certificateAndrea Luckhurst – DC MSc. (Chiro) BSc (Hons) has recently completed additional training in the diagnosis and management of headaches. With her expertise and the support of our team, we are dedicated to helping you find relief from your headaches. Don’t let them control your life any longer.

Take the first step towards a headache-free life and schedule a Headache Consultation today.

Call us on 633060 or Click Here to make a Booking.



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